
full body massage

The full body massage can be uniquely tailored to your needs and can include all or some of the following areas: head, face, neck, shoulders, back, legs, feet, arms, hands and abdomen. I combine more traditional relaxing Swedish massage techniques with some elements of deep tissue, muscle energy, trigger point and joint articulation techniques. The pressure can be altered depending on your preference and I can target specific body areas depending on your individual requirements each time.

head, neck and shoulder massage

Based on the ancient Ayurvedic Indian Head Massage tradition, this relaxing massage includes the head, neck, upper back, upper arms and face - areas where tension commonly builds up due to stress and poor posture. It can be received either seated or lying down, either through clothes or wearing a special sarong towel (provided), and with or without oil. It is a calming sequence of soothing movements that will leave you feeling relaxed throughout your body.


This treatment, which usually lasts around 45 minutes, will be experienced in a very comfortable reclining chair. You will need to remove your shoes and socks, but otherwise will be fully clothed. The first appointment will begin with a consultation to make sure that reflexology is the right treatment for you. After a cleanse, your feet will be gently massaged and as the treatment progresses the reflex points in your feet will be ‘worked’ by a variety of techniques using the therapist’s fingers, thumbs and knuckles. The areas worked and amount of pressure used will be adapted to your individual needs.

musician’s massage

Whether you are a professional or amateur musician, this massage will stimulate your circulation to increase your body’s energy. More detailed work on specific muscle groups will improve your posture and restore flow to your movements, increasing your flexibility & stamina and unwinding patterns of tension in your body.